
After Effects 2018 Brand Identity

Adobe contacted my friend Jr. Canest and I to co-op what would become the 2018 After Effects CC Brand Identity. These types of projects always come with a huge sense of personal responsibility and I know we both felt it on this one. This was such a fun experience!

Client Name

Adobe Inc.

Programs Utilized

Adobe Suite ✦ Maxon Cinema 4D ✦ Otoy Octane Render

Booking Type

Freelance Contract


2017 - 2018


Mitch Myers ✦ Art Direction + 3D Design

Jorge R. Canedo Estrada ✦ Art Direction + Vector Design


Idea Creation

Throughout this process, we have gone through some really interesting revisions, render times, and general artistic pickiness to grow this seed of an idea into something that will flourish out in the world.

We started by brainstorming what would best represent Adobe, their customer base and artists, and how people feel using the program. We knew that diving in deep was where we were going to find the true answer. Going “Behind The Keyframes” and experimenting with graphical elements using the guides, keyframe curves, and ui elements that are found throughout After Effects was the needle in the haystack for us.

2D Development

3D Development

Building Our World


This was an important step to get the ball rolling and start the creative process of building this world in which our geometric thingy will live. From here, we were able to start to see the scene develop some character while still maintaining a mostly blank palette to work with…


In our world we find ourselves bridged between art and technology. With this in mind, we worked on creating an organic looking world that our hero/tech object will live in.

Tech (After Effects)


Organic (Creativity)


We wanted our “Behind The Keyframes” elements to shine a bit more and add greater variation to the scene. Here, I started working with different absorption colors for our scene volumes.

Let’s Talk!

Have Questions, Comments, and/or Booking Requests?